sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

Our Second Post:Thinking Outside the Box.

"Advances are made by answering questions.
Discoveries are made by questioning answers."
Bernard Haisch.

Sometimes when we think in a scientist, we tought that they don't believe in God. Sometimes this perception is true, principaly, because religions have been used to justify crimes against humanity: the Inquisition of centuries past or the sectarian slaughter in the Mideast today. But the human misuse of religions and the existence of God are very different matters.
With this idea in mind, nowadays, a new generation of scientists have accepted the existence of an inteligence that is behind everything, God. They started doing one simple question:
Is there an intelligence behind the origin of the Universe?

The next video introduce us to the ideas of these new kind of scientists. It was taken from the presentation of the book "The God Theory" written by Bernard Haisch. In this video he proposes the alternative that the special properties of our universe reflect an underlying intelligence. However exceptional human experiences and accounts of mystics throughout the ages do suggest that we live in a purposeful universe.

The assumptions that Dr. Hairsch made in the last video are according with the new theory in what the theoretical physics are working nowadays: The String Theory. String theory proclaims, for instance, that the observed particle properties, that is, the different masses and other properties of both: the fundamental particles and the force particles associated with the four forces of nature (the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity) are a reflection of the various ways in which a string can vibrate. To understand about the string theory and how it is related with the proof of the existence of God and the existence of other dimensions, I invite you to see the next video, enjoy it!!.

As I said before, these are new ways of thinking in scientist world. I'm included. I would like to finish with a quote from Albert Einstein, it reflects what I have been trying to say in this post.
"At any race, I'm convived that God doesn't play dice."

3 comentarios:

MABT dijo...

I find the theories mentioned in the videos really interesting, they involve many aspects of the debate of the origin about the universe and the universe itself.

About the first video, though I'm not a physicist or an expert in that matter, I have to disagree with some of the topics they deal with.

The main theme of the first video is the fact that we live in a just-right universe, where all the conditions it has, were planned by something or someone they call god. I disagree with this because I think the conjecture of this comes from a circunstancial thought, I mean, we cannot refuse the "universe" in wich we are living and therefore we cannot change the way it is - whether it is made by "someone" or not - so the easy way out could be the one found in myths: the existence of an almighty god who created all that we know about.

I am one of those who think that science and any kind of theological postulate must not be mixed down in any form, because the results may lead in and endless debate.

On the other hand, the second video deals with a more complex theory about the comprehension of the natural order in the space-time continuity. The idea of living in a more-than-three dimensional world is fascinating, but I think that the time itself, as a fourth dimension, and its integration with the world as we known it is also disturbing.

So, I reiterate that I may be a neophyte in this kind of high-level physics postulates, but in the end that's what I can think of, hoping not to offend someone, either by my ignorance or my point of view.

Miguel Ángel Benítez Torreblancaz

Norma García dijo...

Wow! This is a very interesting and, at the same time, a very controversial topic to deal with.

To talk about the existence of god, no matter what you are based on, is very difficult because the ambiguity of the issue.

The theories shown in the videos are really interesting and new for me. About the first video, I think that the theory presented is more like a theological theory than a scientific one, because some points mentioned as a real prove of the existence of an intelligent force behind the universe, known as god, are based in a very subjective facts.

On the other hand, the second video is actually very complicated to understand especially if you’re not very close related to physics and science so, to be honest, I just could understand a few things of it, and, at least some things that I was able to understand, as the belief in a sub-universe and the theory that we live in a 10 dimensioned world, were very attractive and I would like to know more about it.

Now, I myself believe that science don’t have to be used to trying to prove the existence of god, because as far as I can remember, science is science because it can be proved, and we can never prove either the existence or the non-existence of god.

To finish, I think that the belief in god is more a matter of decision than any other thing and we are free to believe in both god and science if we whish.


Verónica Poujol dijo...

Hello there! Well, this is tough stuff! I am very happy to see how you have such curiousity , and eventhough not all of you three seem to be quite acknowledged on the subject, you are creative and intelligent enough to have a word on this.

I watched the videos and thought they seem very interesting, but I am afraid to say somehing that may sound very silly, so I rather congratulate you and encourage you to keep posted!
MArk: 10